Knihy Japonsko

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Kara Knafelc
Svojtka & Co. | 12/2005
Není na světě mnoho zajímavějších měst, než je Tokio. Střídavě hitech, tradiční i neskutečně moderní. Tokio je město, které by nemělo fungovat, ale funguje. Projděte se s maškarami po promenádě v Harajuku, dopřejte si pastvu pro oči v podobě zářivých...
cena: 13.51 € (407.00 Sk)
Simon Richmond, Jan Dodd
Rough Guides | 01/2008
The Rough Guide to Tokyo is the ultimate insiders guide to accessing Japans dazzling capital, with comprehensive coverage of all the sights, from beautiful traditional gardens to stateoftheart museums and the iconic new Tokyo Midtown...
cena: 28.06 € (845.34 Sk)
Matthew Firestone, Timothy N. Hornyak
Lonely Planet | 08/2008
You dont have to go far to get farout in Tokyo. Spend a Sunday in Harajuku snapping the costumed kids, buy a USB drive that looks like sushi, watch the blades blur at Tsukiji Central Fish Market and digest it all over thimbles of sake in a Golden...
cena: 20.48 € (616.98 Sk)
Wendy Yanagihara
Lonely Planet | 09/2009
The Tokyo Encounter guide gives you twice the city in half the time. So whats your kind of Tokyo? A fresh sushi breakfast and fashionshopping in Ginza? An afternoon relaxing in the haze of an onsen? Downing sake in the downndirty alleys...
cena: 11.57 € (348.56 Sk)