Knihy Turistickí sprievodcovia

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    8.33 € (250.95 Sk)
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David Gladiš
Freytag & Berndt | 06/2007
Průvodce nabízí návod, jak a kudy přejet po zemi podstatnou část Asie. Popisované trasy sledují historickou Hedvábnou stezku síť obchodních cest, které přes 2 000 let spojovaly Čínu s Indií, Blízkým Východem a Evropou. V rámci putování mezi Istanbulem...
cena: 14.31 € (431.10 Sk)
Lonely Planet | 06/2001
From the edge of Europe to the rooftop of the world, retrace the trail made famous by ancient conquerors, and then infamous by backpackers of the 1960s. Whether youre looking for a meandering journey, an adrenalinepumping adventure, or simply the...
cena: 20.48 € (616.98 Sk)
Sarina Singh
Lonely Planet | 05/2008
The decision to travel to Pakistan shouldnt be taken lightly but once you find yourself there, youll have the ancient bazaars, the architectural glories of the Mughal empire and the fabled Hindukush mountain ranges pretty much to yourself....
cena: 23.18 € (698.32 Sk)
John Mock, Kimberley O'Neil
Lonely Planet | 01/2002
Remote and spectacular, the icy peaks and vast glaciers of northern Pakistan offer unparalleled opportunities for adventure. Whether youre a novice trekker or a seasoned explorer, let our expert authors guide you on the journey of a lifetime....
cena: 19.31 € (581.73 Sk)