Knihy Nový Zéland

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  • Knihy
    7.7 € (231.97 Sk)
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Lonely Planet | 10/2006
Sparkling harbour views and multicultural delights tatto your own path through the largest Polynesian city in the world. Cruise around islandstudded Waitemata Harbour or see the sights of the isthmus while you fall in love with the City of Sails....
cena: 11.57 € (348.56 Sk)
Scott Kennedy
Lonely Planet | 09/2009
With some of the worlds most varied and dramatic landscapes, New Zealand is a cyclists dream. From the lush semitropical bush and geothermal wonders of the North Island, to the glaciers and icyblue rivers of the South, weve chosen rides for every...
cena: 23.18 € (698.32 Sk)
Jenny Enderby, Tony Enderby
Lonely Planet | 10/2002
Flanked by rugged mountains, idyllic beaches and rolling farmland, New Zealands 15,134 kmlong coastline offers endless diving adventures. Off the North and South Islands, dive sites are scattered among subtropical islands, towering kelp forests and...
cena: 19.31 € (581.73 Sk)
Sylvia Seligmann, Matthias Dollmann
Bergverlag Rother | 2006
Neuseeland, das Land der langen weien Wolke, ist an Abwechslung nur schwer zu übertreffen. Reich an Kontrasten und mit einer fast verschwenderischen Fülle an Landschaftsbildern und Naturschönheiten ist es ohne Zweifel ein Paradies für Wanderer und...
cena: 23.09 € (695.61 Sk)
Rough Guides | 09/2006
The Rough Guide to New Zealand is an invaluable aid to navigating your way round this spectacular country. Features include: Fullcolour section introducing New Zealands highlights. Lively accounts of the countrys breathtaking landscapes,...
cena: 32.07 € (966.14 Sk)
eplanetScale: 1 : 1 250.000
Nelles Verlag | 2007
Mapy Nelles Verlag sú obľúbené medzi cestovateľmi po celom svete. Pre mapy je typické zobrazenie v štýle zoomin, čo znamená, že z celkovej prehľadnej mapy oblasti sa v niekoľkých stupňoch podrobnosti dostanente až na úroveň mestských plánov alebo...
cena: 9.26 € (278.97 Sk)
eplanetScale: rôzne mierky
Hema Maps |
cena: 34.92 € (1052.00 Sk)
eplanetScale: 1 : 1.000.000
Rough Guides | 07/2003
Mapy Rough Guides sa vyznačujú kvalitnou kartografiou v neobvykle veľkých mierkach a použitím syntetického papieru. Tento papier dáva mapám vysokú odolnosť vo vlhkom prostredí a mapu je možné takisto použiť ako pláštenku v prudkých tropických lejakoch....
cena: 12.01 € (361.81 Sk)
Errol Hunt, Charles Rawlings-Way, Brett Atkinson
Lonely Planet | 04/2009
Want to roll down a hill in a giant plastic ball or tramp the Southern Alps? This is the place. Rich in Maori history, the birthplace of extreme sports, and a pristine wilderness that feels like your very own New Zealands South Island has it...
cena: 16.22 € (488.64 Sk)
Charles Rawlings-Way, Errol Hunt, Brett Atkinson, Peter Dragicevich, Sarah Bennett
Lonely Planet | 09/2008
The freshness and majesty of New Zealand will give you an electric charge like no other. These outdoors are truly great, showcased by misty Milford Sound and Rotoruas thermal pools, and the indoors aint so bad either dip into Wellingtons art...
cena: 23.18 € (698.32 Sk)